Pages - Menu

Sunday 19 September 2021

Oracle WebADI : How to add WebADI to a responsibility |Oracle E-Business Suite

Once we are done with creating the WebADI, If we want users to access it then we need to attach that WebADI to responsibility or to a Menu.

for attaching the WebADI to Responsibility we need to perform the below steps.

  • Create a Function.
  • Attach Function to Menu.
  • Attach Menu to Responsibility.
Let's check out how to attach the WebADI to responsibility.
Create a Function

→ Navigate to "Application Developer" Responsibility, Then  Application and then click on Function.

Provide the following information as shown below.

Function: <Give the Function Name>
User Function Name:  <Give user function Name>
Description: <Give the Description here>


    Type: SSWA servlet function


            Parameters: bne:page=BneCreateDoc&bne:viewer=BNE:EXCEL2007&bne:reporting=N&bne:integrator=<Application Top>:<Integrator Name>&bne:layout=<Application Top>:<Layout Name>&bne:content=<Application Top>:<LayoutName>&bne:noreview=Y

Please replace the above-highlighted text with the respective names.


            HTML Call: BneApplicationService

→Save the Function.

→Attach a newly created function to the menu.

Navigate to "Application Developer" Responsibility, Then click on Application and then on Menu.

→Search for the “<Your Menu Name to which function needs to be attached>” menu.

→Now input your function details and save the record,

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