Thursday 16 September 2021

Oracle SQL Performance Tuning Best Practices

 Before starting get a clear understanding and quantitative definition of the issue.

Below are some points to be considered for oracle SQL performance tuning   .
  • Check for the explain plan, Check for the cost and number of rows that are being fetched.
  • Do not include ' * ' in select statements.
  • Only select the columns which you need in the query
  • Use filters in "WHERE" conditions to restrict the size of the data set.
  • Remove unnecessary JOINS.
  • Use UNION ALL in case of UNION, Because UNION will perform extra sort operations.
  • Avoid the use of IN condition in select statements.
  • Avoid the use of the DISTINCT keyword.
  • Always use an alias for table names
  • If possible use EXISTS in subqueries, it will stop the search when it finds the match. 
  • Do not use indexes to tables that undergo more UPDATE or INSERT operations as indexes can slow down the performance in such cases.
  • Avoid using VIEWS.
  • Don't mix data types and do not convert numbers to characters.
  • In some scenarios, we can create a new field rather than performing the calculation on JOIN or WHERE clause.
  • Use GLOBAL Temporary tables(GTT), Whenever possible to simplify complication summarization quaries.
  • Using of Hints, Hints allows to alter execution plans and force various approhes.

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