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Saturday 17 September 2016

How to Enable Trace and Read Trace Files in Oracle Apps |Oracle E-Business Suite

How to enable trace for concurrent program?
Trace is used to identify long running or time consuming query/queries due to which performance of concurrent program is decreasing.
By identifying the time taking queries we can tune those queries to increase the performance of concurrent program.

Follow the below steps to enable trace.

Search for concurrent program to which you want to enable trace.
Now tick the trace check box and save the record as shown in the below screen shot.

Now submit the concurrent program and note down the request id.

Trace file name is post fixed the ORACLE_PROCESSED_ID
Now you need the ORACLE_PROCESS_ID to find the trace file, use the below query to fine the same.
We got the process id, now we need the trace file path, which can be found by using below query.

The generated trace file will be in trc extension which is not a readable forma t you need to convert trace file to readable format by using TKPROF command.
Use the below script to convert it to readable format.
TKPROF <file_name.trc> <out_file_name.out> SORT=fchela

Now you can analyze the generated trace file to identify and improve the performance of your program. 

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